Saturday, April 20, 2019


What is Cyber-bullying?

In this 21st-century people gets bullied every second, especially in schools and colleges. Nowadays, due to the development of technology people have started harassing or threatening one another through the use of digital technologies. This can be un
derstood as Cyber-bullying. 

In our country, Cyber-bullying mainly happens through the use of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, messenger, and We-chat.  To make it clear, using the social network in itself doesn't fall under cyber-bullying but using those applications to defame or humiliate other makes it cyber-bullying.

As per my understanding, cyber-bullying takes place through a tweet, comment, post, or text. It may also include photos, messages, pages or anything that gets posted online and that directly or indirectly hurt, harass, or upset someone else. So, in simple cyber-bullying can also be termed as online bullying. I personally feel that cyber-bullying can be very upsetting because it's usually done through fake accounts which is hard to trace and control. The main reason for cyber-bullying being damaging and upsetting is that the person being victimized has no idea how many people have seen the messages or posts which can be tormenting. 

Consequences of Cyber-bullying?

Bullying can be very tormenting and cause emotional and psychological distress regardless of its type (traditional and cyber-bullying). Given below are some of the consequences of cyber-bullying:  

Feeling humiliated
I feel that the one who is being bullied will be humiliated because once something is out in social media, it is out for everyone. So, it is obvious that the victim will feel exposed making the victim feel that the whole world knows about the post or message resulting in humiliation.

Anxious and depressed
The victim will feel anxious and depressed because when something rude or bad is being posted, the victim would feel ashamed and insulted leading to lack of confidence and self-esteem. The victim might also lose interest in carrying out normal stuff and would be overwhelmed with worry and sadness.

Nowadays people harass or warn other people through text messages, instant messaging, social media, and other outlets, often making the victim feeling hopeless. Normally after cyber-bullying, people feel isolated as the people around them starts excluding him/her from any activities. This might make them feel disinterested in life and may even begin to feel like the only way to escape the pain is through suicide. 
I have just discussed a few consequences of cyber-bullying but the list can be very long.

Google classroom

Concept of Google classroom

I have learned that Google Classroom is a service developed by Google for schools that aim to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way. The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students. Some of the facilities that Google classroom provides are Google Drive for projects creation and distribution, Google Docs, Sheets and slides for writing, Gmail for communication, and Google calendar for scheduling. 

How to create google classroom using co-constructive tool

Go to google
Then open any web browser
Type web store chrome
Search chrome web store
Type google classroom in search
Click 'add to chrome'
'Click add extension
Turn on synchronize
Now open using google account
(I.D: and password: 123456789)

How to change theme

Click on 'Select theme'
 Choose any theme and
add click on 'select class theme'

How to post the materials

Go to classwork
Click on 'CREATE"
click on material
Type the title and description
Click on drop down on Topic and select create topic
attach files if necessary.

How to post the questions

Go to classwork
click on create
choose the option 'questions'
type question, instruction and finally points for the answer
click on 'ask'

Integrating google classroom in teaching and learning

Though it is not being used extensively in our country, now in this 21st century it is very important to move to a digital world. One way to use technology in schools productively can be through the use of 'Google classroom'. Google classroom provides an opportunity where students can be invited to join a class through a private code, or automatically imported from a school domain. 

To integrate Google classroom in teaching and learning we can create a separate folder in the respective user's Drive, where the student can submit their work to be graded by a teacher. we can also ask questions and discuss from home. Therefore, I feel that by using 'Google classroom', we will be able to save our work and the record of students performance for future reference.

link for google classroom

Create quiz assignment using google classroom

Go to 'Create'
Choose 'quiz assignment'
Type the title, instruction and topic
click on Blank Quiz
Select Blank quiz and type Quiz topic
Then Write the questions
Write the answers and click on "Key answer" to award points.
Click on '+' sign on the right side of the screen and add question
Finally go to setting and select 'See all summary chart'

Making section

Click on '=' to add section
Change the type of question to preferred type.
Write the description and
Add question by clicking on'+' sign.

To add video
select 'add video' on the right side of the screen
type the title of the video on the dialog box
click 'select' to add video

To create attendance

Go to classwork
Go to create
Click on quiz assignment
Write the title (Class attendance) and description
Select'+' and choose 'check box grid'
Write the names of the students under 'Row'
Write Present, Absent and Leave under column
Go to setting and check see summary chart
Finally go to preview and take attendance.

Link for Questions using google classroom

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Creating video using camtasia studio

What is Camtasia studio?

Camtasia Studio is a software used for creating a video tutorial. This software provides lots of opportunity such as recording video, inserting images, sounds, etc for teachers to make the lesson effective.

How to create a video lesson using Camtasia studio?
The process of creating video u
sing Camtasia studio will depend on the type of video to be created. Given below is the process of creating video lesson using images, video clips, sounds, text, and PowerPoint:

Steps to open Camtasia studio

  1. Double click on the Camtasia icon. (Welcome Camtasia dialog box will appear)
  2. Click on the 'Close' button to continue. 

Camtasia studio will look like the following:

How to insert images

  1. Click on the 'Import media'.
  2. Browse the image from the destination source.
  3. Select the particular image that you want to insert.
  4. Click on open button. (the image will appear in the clipboard)
  5. Drag the image to 'show timeline'.
How to insert a video clip
  1. Click on 'Import media' under 'Add' menu.
  2. Browse the video clip from the destination source.
  3. Select the particular video clip that you want to insert.
  4. Click on open button.
  5. Drag the video clip to show timeline.
How to insert audio
  1. Choose or select import media.
  2. Browse the audio clip/sound from the destination source.
  3. Select the particular audio that you want to insert.
  4. Click on open button.
  5. Drag the audio clip to show timeline.
  6. Make adjustment of audio to the image using drag arrow.  
(Importing images, audio and video is almost the same) Given below is the video on how to insert images, video clips, and audio:

How to insert text

  1. Click on Title clips.
  2. Type title name (depend on what video you are creating).
  3. In the text area, you can type the detail of the video to be created (example; states of matter, properties, etc)
  4. Change the background color, text color & fonts.
  5. Then click the “OK” button. 
  6. Drag a text to show timeline or storyboard 
We can also add a transition to make the video flow smooth. 
How to insert transition
  1. In the edit menu, choose or select transitions option.
  2. Then select any transition effects to the images or video.
  3. Drag the transition effect to the small square box (for Camtasia Studio 6)
  4. Drag the transition effect in between the images or videos, where you want the transition. (Camtasia Studio 8)
How to record PowerPoint slides

  1. Click on record the screen in Camtasia.
  2. Open the PowerPoint and keep on 'slide show' mode to record the screen.
  3. Then click on Camtasia Recorder.
  4. Narrate if you want to along with the slide show.
  5. Click on the stop button to save the file.
  6. Click on save and edit button.
  7. Save as video file .avi files.

Image of the record screen

How to Publish a video lesson
  1. Click Produce Video As or Press Ctrl +P.
  2. Choose a custom production setting.
  3. Click next button.  
  4. Select WMV-windows Media Video.
  5. Camtasia studio best quality and file size(recommended).
  6. Then next button, again next button, Next button.
  7. Type the Production name for Camtasia studio.
  8. Save the video file to the desktop using browser button.
  9. Click on Finish button. (The video will be published) 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Digital Citizenship

Terry asserts that digital citizenship is the quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities. So, in simple it can be understood as the use of technologies as a tool to engage in communication or any other form of works.
There are nine elements of digital citizenship as follows:

  1. Digital rights and responsibilities
    In our Bhutanese constitution we have 'Fundamental rights' and 'Fundamental duties', that talks about the rights of all the citizen such as the right to speech, vote, expression, and responsibilities such as preserving our culture. Similarly, digital rights and responsibilities also deal with the freedom of the digital world and the responsibilities one must take as a digital citizen. For example, privacy or freedom of speech is digital right, whereas using technology appropriately is a digital responsibility. I personally feel that digital rights must not overlap digital responsibility, meaning one user right is no more a right once it damages the right of the other. So, digital users must be aware of the responsibilities and work for hand in hand.
    2. Digital commerce
The process of using digital technologies for business or commercial purpose can be understood as digital commerce. Nowadays with the advancement of technologies, even Bhutan uses the concept of digital commerce for business. B-buying and selling are one of the best examples.

     3. Digital communication
In this 21st century, communication has become easier and also provides a variety of choices. With the advancement of digital communication, people can now communicate with anyone from anywhere instantly unlike the olden days where the means of communication was only faced to face. So, from my perception digital communication can be understood as using social networks such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, we-chat, e-mail, etc to communicate.

   4. Digital Access
In simple access can be understood as an opportunity to do anything. So, from that digital access can be understood as the opportunity for the people to get access to the digital world so as to participate in society. However, to get access to the digital one must have the knowledge on the use of digital technologies. Therefore, I feel that in this world of technology, to be a productive citizen and independent individual one must not be denied digital access.

 5. Digital literacy
As per my perception, digital literacy can be understood as having the right skills on the use of technologies to achieve our goals. For example, students use 'Internet' as a source to find information for the given task. Even in our college, we have 'Vle' from which we get information. In simple, it is the process of teaching and learning about digital technologies and the use of digital technologies.

   6. Digital etiquette
Digital etiquette can be understood as the 'do's and don'ts' while using digital technologies. Moreover, it can be understood as the rules or the responsibilities one must take to make the use of social network a better for others and ourselves.  Asking permission before posting about someone on social media or refraining from posting mean comments, are some of the examples of digital etiquette.

   7. Digital law
There are certain laws that we need to follow in formal situations. Similarly, digital technology users must also be aware of digital laws to work or play online. Hacking other peoples information, plagiarizing, damaging other peoples work, stealing others identity, etc are all unethical. So, I feel that as a user we need to be aware that the legal rights governing technological use apply to all the users. The bottom line is that we as a digital user must be responsible for our own actions and deeds.

   8. Digital health and wellness
Everything has advantages and disadvantages and digital is not an exception if we are not aware of the technological use. Nowadays, we are so much into social network that we hardly go out to refresh that indirectly or directly cause physical and psychological effect such as internet addiction, stress, problem with eyes and ears. Therefore, to prevent all these negative impact of digital technologies we must protect ourselves and as a teacher inform our students who are to much into the digital world.
   9. Digital security
With the advancement of digital technologies people have also become smarter. So, as a digital citizen we must take electronic precautions to protect ourselves and information's in particular. Some of the ways through which we can secure our information are using antiviruses, data backups, passwords for any accounts that we create.


How to create simulation

Procedures Open newpowerpoint presentation Type the title To insert image: Download required images from google To download image: ri...